How to Shoot a Airsoft Gun

How to Shoot a Airsoft Gun

What is Airsoft?

Airsoft is an activity where players volition appoint their opponents by shooting round non-metallic BBs at each other using a replica firearm typically chosen an Airsoft Gun. A player that is hit by a BB is considered out and they have the opportunity to reenter the game at a later time based on the rules of the specific game they are playing.

Airsoft started in Japan in the 1980'south and moved to Europe, North America and the whole globe over time. While its popularity was well below paintball in its early years it has seen a surge in popularity in the last 10 to fifteen years. This is due in function to its cost of operation as well as public awareness of existent military special forces. This led to the want for more than realistic gameplay scenarios and also the popularity of armed forces simulation video games that people desire to experience in some way in existent life.

Airsoft is often compared to paintball. Both are considered "shooting sports" and share a lot of the same terminology and equipment yet they are dissimilar in many ways. Here are a few of the main differences:

  • Airsoft projectiles do not exit a mark so information technology'due south less messy. Because there is no marking information technology'due south considered an "Laurels" sport where players to need to be disciplined enough to call their hits.
  • Airsoft BBs are much cheaper to purchase and in most cases players can bring their ain Bulletin board system to a field to play which makes playing much more than affordable.
  • Airsoft Guns can be powered by either compressed air or battery wherea all paintball guns are powered by compressed air. Electric guns, or AEGS, are not as realistic feeling as gas powered guns, but are much cheaper to operate.
  • Airsoft Guns look more than realistic, which makes game play appear more like a war machine simulation. Considering of their realistic nature it is important to exist condom when using and transporting them.

Is Airsoft Safe?

A common question people have is conditions airsoft is safe or not. The elementary answer is yes, it is safe, if the proper safety procedures are followed. This is true of many outdoor activities from riding a bike to swimming in a pool. The key is agreement the risks and learning the safe procedures both on and off the field of play.

On the Field Safety

When playing Airsoft the nearly important condom concern is wearing the proper eye protection. At that place are many options but a good rule of pollex is to merely apply ANSI rated goggles that are full seal, meaning that at that place is no gaps betwixt the google and your face. Full face up masks are not completely necessary but information technology's recommended to protect your teeth and oral fissure. In well-nigh cased Airsoft fields will require anyone under eighteen years of age to clothing a total face mask.

If you are a new role player, or sending your children to an airsoft field for the first fourth dimension, brand sure that the field has clear velocity guidelines in place. Velocity ways is the speed of the BB as it leaves the barrel of an Airsoft gun (this is often called an FPS Limit or Feet Per Second). The FPS rules for fields tin can vary depending on the blazon of gun, type of game play etc… yous just want to brand sure that the field is chronoing (checking the BB speed) of every gun that is being used on the field

Engagement distance is some other important safety factor. This is the distance that players are immune to shoot or non shoot each other. As with FPS rules, date distances will vary from field to field, the cardinal is to make certain the field you visit has date distance rules in identify. For new players or children, make sure to check that the minimum engagement distance is x feet or further away. While they would not be harmed, if there are FPS rules in identify, existence shot closer than 10 feet tin can injure a lot more than.

If playing with regulated FPS limits and Engagement distances getting BBs striking they volition sting a bit simply non hurt terribly. Where it tin can hurt more than is if yous are struck in your hands or cervix. Good gloves can mitigate well-nigh paw discomfort and the use of a shemagh is great for protecting your neck. Thick clothing overall tin can help protect yous from hits to your torso, legs and artillery.

Wearing the proper footwear for the terrain you plan to play on is as well of import. If you playing at an indoor field it's perfectly safe to use lawn tennis shoes. If yous are playing outside, especially where at that place are obstacles to motility around you volition want to vesture footwear that provides more protection for your feet and ankles. Your best option is to use a war machine, or work, similar boot that wraps around your talocrural joint and has a thicker sole.

Off the Field Safety

One of the biggest misconceptions people have with Airsoft Guns is to consider them "Toys". They are NOT toys. They are Replica Firearms and in many cases indistinguishable from the existent affair. This means that information technology's imperative to care for your Airsoft gun as would a real firearm when you are not on the field.

Never, always brandish your Airsoft in public. Not only is it illegal, it is also very dangerous. Law enforcement has no choice to consider something that looks similar a real firearm as the real affair. This can lead to life threatening situations that are 100% avoidable by simply not bringing your Airsoft gun out in public.

When transporting your Airsoft Gun it needs to be secured in a gun bag or instance. Like with a real firearm it has to be as far away from the driver or passengers of your vehicle every bit possible. Many Airsoft Fields and/or Airsoft Shops volition refuse yous service if you lot practise non have your Airsoft Gun properly secured.

Store your Airsoft Gun in a gun handbag or instance so that casual misuse is prevented. This is especially important if your children are playing Airsoft or you have children visit your domicile. The idea that your Airsoft Gun is non "real" can atomic number 82 kids to pointing information technology as each other which is an extreme eye hazard or worse, bringing it exterior where information technology could be mistaken for a real firearm. Keep it stored and secured and away from curious fingers.

Where can I play?

When you make the decision to play your commencement game of airsoft you will detect at that place are many options for getting in the game. Your best showtime option is to detect your local Airsoft Field, read their rules and then find your local Airsoft Shop to get the gear you need and and then go out and play.

Another great choice is to detect the Airsoft Teams operating in your local area. There are hundreds of agile teams teams all over the country. From beginners to one-time timers or die hard milsim groups to guys that gather in one case a month to sling plastic and chill. You volition never take as much fun on an Airsoft Field as you will running as a team. So cheque out the teams near you, come across if they are recruiting or mind if you tag along.

In well-nigh parts of the country you will discover local fields fairly shut by, but in area of the country that are less populated, like the midwest for instance, the games tend to be run by local teams in that expanse. So if you practice not find whatsoever fields, check the Teams and find out how to become continued to your local Airsoft scene.

What types of games are there?

Airsoft games can range from a elementary thirty minute skirmish to a full weekend event. There are also many different types out there, with endless variations that field owners and organizers utilize to put their ain spin on games. Here are the 3 main categories well-nigh typical Airsoft games autumn into.


This stands for Military Simulation and these games tend to be slower paced objective based games that are modeled after real war machine scenarios. How "real" they make these games can vary from game to game but the overall goal is the same, to give the actor a chance to use strategy to solve a specific set up of issues to "win". You tin play Milsim game that are just an 60 minutes or then long at your local field all the way upwards to very intense total immersion games that can concluding xl-65 hours strait. These kinds of games are really what sets Airsoft apart from other shooting activities.


These types of games are intended to not be realistic expressions of what a real earth mission might be and more of what yous might find in a video game. The rate of fire and the amount of ammunition allowed are much much college than in a milsim game. The pace of a SpeedSoft game is too much college with players working toward smaller objectives.


These games are ones that you lot tend to also find in Paintball and other shooting sports. Scenarios similar Capture the Flag, King of the hill, Force on Forcefulness and others are commonly used in traditional games. They are usually shorter in duration, 30 minutes or less so players can bike in more easily and oftentimes the fields are smaller.


This stands for Close Quarters Combat and often refers to playing indoors or inside of room similar structures. The key element here is that you lot are "close" to your opponents. Moving from room to room look for the enemy players. CQB is not a type of game however equally you can have Milsim, Speedsoft and Traditional games all run inside of the CQB context. THe important matter to know is what types of guns are allowed in any CQB environments, then check with the field or issue organizer to know what you demand to play.

In exercise when going to a field or consequence you will see a mix of all these styles present. The cardinal is to be aware of what is being offered so your expectations are in line with the games you will be playing. This is very of import for SpeedSoft vs Milsim players as their styles of play fall on contrary ends of the spectrum leading to disharmonize on the field. So notice the kind of gameplay you like and inquiry the field or consequence before attending.

Can my kids play?

There is no absolute historic period for when information technology'south ok for your kids to leave and play, a lot of this really depends on the child in question. Usually the minimum age that any field will allow a child participate is 10 years old. It almost always mandatory that a parent or guardian (or really good adult family unit friend) participate with them at that historic period. The typical age limit on most Airsoft Fields is 14 years old, but as with other rules, it'south best to bank check and see with the field you are planning to nourish. As well be aware that some events might take certina historic period requirements that are different from the field'due south themselves.

Another consideration is the types of games and/or events that you child wants to attend. As with whatever sport or action there is a range of complication, difficulty and feel required for various Airsoft Events. Usually you lot volition find the all-time games for beginner are your standard weekly game run at your local Airsoft Field. Here you can unremarkably rent gear, the outfit requirements are more relaxed and you lot will notice players of all feel levels on the field. On the other stop of the spectrum are the large Milsim events that are held around the country by national event organizers. The cost of these events is high, the equipment requirements are very strict and the gameplay as well equally the expectations on the thespian is much more intense.

Equally a parent, understanding the departure betwixt the different level of events with help determine what your kid "Needs" vs "Wants". If they want to endeavor Airsoft for the beginning time, your best bet is to find a local field that rents Airsoft Guns and safety equipment and see if they bask information technology or not. If they practice relish Airsoft, so you can consider ownership them gear of their own. Yous can buy a great starter gun for $150 (including a battery and simple charger) and safety goggles and/or mask for under $50. If you lot include a carrying case for the gun, some BBs it'southward possible to become your kid started playing for under $250. Do your inquiry, make certain that what they say they need lines upward with the kinds of events they program to attend, and if you call back they are set for it.

What exercise I need to play?

Every bit we recommended to parents, evaluating what y'all "Demand" vs "Want" is a practiced idea no matter what you lot age. Saving money is but part of the consequence hither, i matter that whatever long time Airsofter will tell you is that it took a long time to tune their kit to what worked best for them. And then rushing out and buying everything you think you lot need volition almost ever not exist the case after getting on the field and playing. Equally they say, goose egg replaces existent world feel.

If you take never played before, find a local field that offers rentals and but get out and play. No matter your age that is the all-time way to become started. Only. Play. Once yous do you will discover non merely if y'all want to purse Airsoft but also what kind of gear you might want seeing what other players apply on the field. Another option is to connect with a local squad that might be willing to lend you gear to try out. At that place are a lot of gear freaks out at that place that have tons of extra kit to allow yous use. So reach out and see what's going on with teams in your local area.

You lot tin can certainly spend thousands of dollars buying the best of the all-time of everything that bachelor. Before yous practice though, do your research, evaluate what y'all "need" vs "desire" and let your kit grow with your experience level. It's a reasonable to spend $250 and go a swell starting setup... a gun, battery, charger and rubber gear. The important thing is to make an informed buying decision.

Airsoft is a very gear heavy sport, there are literally hundreds of unlike choices in almost every category. The biggest decision you lot will have to make is the type of Airsoft Gun you want to buy. To help you showtime your inquiry here are some central points to know almost Airsoft Guns:

Gun Styles

You will hear a lot of lingo for different types of guns, M4, DMR, Sniper, SMG, AK, Pistol, etc… They all mean different styles, looks and in the existent world counterparts they designed for specific tasks. Wait for either an "M4" or "AK" way rifle when you begin your search, equally they will give you lot the nigh flexibility.

Electric Airsoft Gun (AEG)

The nigh common way for a gun to "shoot" is by using an electric motor that pushes air through the rifle using a modest internal piston. They are chosen AEGs and nigh any style of can can be an AEG. To operate an AEG you lot only demand a battery and charger. They easiest to operate and the most toll constructive to begin with.

Gas Blowback Gun (GBB)

Gas Blow Back guns take a compressed gas, normally called Dark-green Gas, that is filled into a magazine and that gas is released into the gun when the triggered is pulled to "shoot". GBB rifles are by far the nearly realistic feeling Airsoft guns. They as well require a lot more understanding, are less flexible and oft cost a lot more to operate than an AEG.

HPA or PolarStar

HPA or PolarStar Airsoft rifles connect to an external tank of compressed air that provides the force to "shoot". HPAs are more expensive than AEGs but far more reliable than either GBB or AEGs. You volition discover that HPA style guys are more often used for SpeedSoft style games than Milsim as the rate of burn (how many BBs per second it shoots) can be very high. If you make up one's mind to get an HPA, make certain to check with your local field most any HPA specific rules or restrictions.

Commodities Action or Springer

Bolt Action or Springer both refer to guns that you pull back, or cock, in some way so when y'all pull the trigger an internal piston volition then push air through to "shoot". A Springer is a slang term used for small pistols that are usually on the lower end of the quality and functioning spectrum. Bolt Action refers to a more high end rifle that is usually used for long altitude shooting frequently called sniper rifles. These rifles tend to shoot with a higher FPS and are used for a very specific purpose that behave more restrictions for their use on the Airsoft field.

Green Gas vs CO2

Green Gas is a special type of propane that is formulated to be used specifically for Airsoft Rifles or pistols. CO2 is a compressed gas cartridge that can too be used for Airsoft Rifles or pistols. Dark-green Gas is typically much cheaper to operate and easier to "refill" when y'all are playing that CO2. Too some CO2 pistols can take FPS rating that are too high to be used on most fields for brusk engagements. For a starting pistol we recommend starting out with a GBB pistol that uses Green Gas.

When y'all do determine what you want to buy there are ii main options, your local Airsoft Store and an online Retailer. You volition never beat the prices of an online retailer, they tend to offer more options and shipping these days is easy and fast. On the flip side, you tin't vanquish the individual attention and instruction y'all volition go at your local shop. Local stores as well tend to take repair services available so you lot can have a home base to have things repaired. In that location is no right answer hither then do your research and observe the option that works best for you.

How to Shoot a Airsoft Gun

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